Getting Started

To get started, contact for access to APIs. You will need to ask for an appKey and appSecret.

Begin using APIs

All the APIs available are listed to the left. Click on an API to get more information.

The structure of the url you will need to make the HTTP request should look like this:

Structure: http://<host>/<apiVersion>/<uri> Example:


The majority of services requires the app to login to get an appAuthToken. You will first make a HTTP request to the /auth/applogin web service which will return you back an appAuthToken. You'll then pass that appAuthToken to the rest of the services as a GET or POST parameter.

Example Scenario - Uploading a Video

Make a call to /auth/applogin passing in your appKey, a timestamp and signature (see docs for details).
Make a call to /media/uploadvideo passing in your appAuthToken (retrieved from previous call) and associated data.

Service Errors

HTTP Response Codes

A 200 response code will be returned for successful requests. A 400 response code for errors along with a list of the errors. A 500 response code if there was an internal error on our side (no error message will be returned in this case.)

Error Representaton

In the case of a webservice error, a json response will be returned to the caller. The representation can show multiple errors for the same call. Example error representation:


{"errors": [{"message":"You have entered an invalid email address."}]}